My research interests are broadly at the intersection of economic development, agriculture, technology adoption, climate change, and welfare economics, with a particular emphasis on applied econometrics. I have extended experience in the field of agricultural economics, with topics ranging from the impacts of improved varietal adoption in developing countries, productive technical efficiency, the effects of heat on rural labor and human capital, and the study of optimal investments for research and development (R&D) in crops of international interest. I am an interdisciplinary researcher by nature.
Below, you’ll find a list of my (a) doctoral dissertation work, (b) other ongoing research, and (c) peer-reviewed publications.
Dissertation Chapters
Sweating Bullets: Heat, High-Stakes Evaluations, and the Role of Incentives,
with Victor Zuluaga and Alexander Buriticá
[Second Revision Requested at Environmental and Resource Economics]
Impact of Introduced Pastures in Colombian Lowland Ranching,
with Ricardo Labarta and Mywish K. Maredia
[Revise and Resubmit at Agricultural Economics]
Heat, Yields, and Incidental Truncation,
[In progress]
Ongoing Work
Adoption without Gains, and Vice-Versa: Exploring the Disconnect Between Improved Bean Varieties and Yield in Central America and Haiti through the Lens of Seed Systems,
with Byron Reyes, Mywish K. Maredia, et al.
[Revise and Resubmit at Agricultural Systems]
Brewing Sustainability: The Need for Increased Agricultural R&D Investments in the Global Coffee Sector,
with Mywish K. Maredia
[Under review at World Development Sustainability; White paper version]
Peer-Reviewed Publications
Market participation of small-scale rice farmers in Eastern Bolivia, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 55(3): 471-491. (Lopera, D.C., González, C., and Martinez, J.M.)
Impacts of the joint adoption of improved varieties and chemical fertilizers on rice productivity in Bolivia: Implications for Global Food Systems, Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7:1194930. (Martinez, J.M., Labarta, R.A., and González, C.)
Joint adoption of rice technologies among Bolivian farmers, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 50(2): 252-272. (Martinez, J.M., Labarta, R.A., Gonzalez, C., and Lopera, D.C.)
Multivariate analysis of the adoption of cacao productive technologies: Evidence from a case study in Colombia, Economía Agraria y Recursos Naturales, 21(1): 79-102. (Martinez, J.M., and Martínez-Pachón, E.)
Sensory dimensions of peach-palm fruit (Bactris gasipaes) and implications for future genetics, Agronomía Mesoamericana, 32(1): 77-92. (Martinez, J.M., Moreno-Caicedo, L.P., and Loaiza-Loaiza, O.)
Measuring the effect of long-term pitfall trapping on the prevalence of epigeal arthropods: A case study in the Pacific Coast of Colombia, Sociobiology, 68(2): e5928. (Martinez, J.M., Tarazona, R., Löhr, B., and Narváez, C.A.)
Household determinants of the adoption of improved cassava varieties using DNA fingerprinting to identify varieties in farmer fields: A case study in Colombia, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 69(2): 518-536. (Floro, V.M., Labarta, R.A., Becerra, L.A., Martinez, J.M., and Ovalle, T.M.)